Class of 2025
How do I find my images?
You can quickly find your images by entering ONLY the student's last name in the SEARCH window in the upper right of page.
Important Note:
These preview images have not yet been retouched, or received final cropping and color balancing. They are for preview purposes only. Your final yearbook image, and any you order for family and friends will be fully retouched, custom cropped, and color balanced for your skin tone and hair. Take this opportunity to mark your favorite images by clicking on the heart icon. You can also compare favorite images and save your favorites to share with family and friends on return visits.
How to select and submit your Yearbook Pose selection to be included in the Yearbook
After viewing your images and selecting your favorite, just click the "Buy Photo" button that looks like a shopping cart. You have to create an account by providing your email address, or login if you already have one. In the Shopping Cart, select the Free Yearbook Pose item and complete the process. For your protection, additional information is required, but there is not charge or payment information needed. If you do not submit a yearbook pose selection by Friday, November 22, one will be selected for you so you will not miss being included in the yearbook.
Ordering prints and digital files for personal use
You can order fully retouch portrait prints or retouched digital image file from your senior portraits right away. For Christmas gift giving we suggest you place your order no later than December 5th to allow time for holiday shipping. Full prices, special package offers, and details are available when you click on the shopping cart icon/buy photo button. Click the menu icon on the right side of the package offers for a list of great add-on items at discounted prices with your package.
Missed your appointments and Make Up Day or still need Retakes after Make Up Day?
If you did not come in on the final Make Up Photo Day at school Friday, November 8th, you can still be included in the yearbook if you take action quickly. We can schedule a private appointment for you in our studio. There is a $25 fee for this service and boys may need to arrange to rent a tuxedo shirt, tie, and black jacket or, as an alternative you can wear a plain white dress shirt with black tie and black suit jacket. To arrange a studio session, email us by CLICKING HERE TO CONTACT US or, call us at 760-446-4002 and leave a message that you need to schedule a private yearbook portrait session.
Need help? Please don't call the school we are ready to help.
We are always here to help you Click Here to send us a question and we'll call you back to help.